Geoff Ryman’s work has received many awards including the Arthur C Clarke Award twice, a World Fantasy Award, a Nebula for best novelette, a Philip K Dick Award, a first place John W Campbell Award, the then Tiptree Award and BSFA Awards for short story, novel, and non-fiction.
He set up the UK government’s first web design team in the 1990s; his team worked on the first official websites for 10 Downing Street and the British Monarchy. In 2011 he taught creative writing at Benue State University, Makurdi, and Taraba State University, Jalingo, both in Nigeria. He received a Levershulme Grant to study African SFF and published a series of interviews, “100 African Writers of SFF”, with Strange Horizons. He helped set up the African Speculative Fiction society and administered their Nommo Awards from 2016 to 2022. His novel WAS, about the Wizard of Oz through history, was turned first into a play and then a musical. He worked briefly on the Australian archaeological site at Angkor Wat and wrote a series of stories around the history of Cambodia including the novelette “Pol Pot’s Beautiful Daughter” and the novel The King’s Last Song.